Frequently Asked Questions

A Shell usually includes excavation, foundation, framing, siding, roofing and the installation of windows and doors. These are the most difficult phases of construction, requiring experience and equipment to complete. The inside of a shell build is typically left unfinished, so that remaining stages can be completed by the homeowner at a later time. Our system allows great flexibility and savings so you can focus on the final stages after the shell is complete. A Complete (turn-key) home is completely finished both inside and out, requiring a buyer to pay a much larger investment up front.

We do not offer a traditional Turn-Key build, but instead provide a 90% Rustic Finish that provides extra beauty without taking away the flexibility that you want in your new project! Our premium Rustic Finish plan allows the beauty of wood to shine through, both inside and out. Our interior walls can be finished with sustainable wood, with the interior ceilings being exposed to the timbers. We do not do painting or staining, to maximize your savings.

We coordinate our work with the plumber and electrician before the foundation is poured. We can price your home as a Shell or we can offer our Rustic Finish plan where the plumbing, AC and electric is installed alongside our beautiful wood interiors. You are free to pick out and obtain your fixtures and appliances for yourself, while we handle the rest. We are a custom shell builder, so every Shell build is built exactly to our customer’s requirements and they finish out the rest. We’re happy to work with a plumber and electrician of your choice to ensure the rough ends are done at the prospective stages.

Yes. Simply ask your designer to bid your home plans both as a Shell and our Rustic Finish and you will receive quotes for each so you can decide what fits your budget. We want to make sure you save the money you earned, and will be glad to work on either of the quotes gladly!

The current economic climate does not allow us to provide financing at this time. We are always on the lookout for potential financing partners to assist our clients, but so far no lending institution is able to see the advantages of a shell home. We understand this is likely a major disappointment, but can offer some solutions. By working with us, you will be an owner-builder, and since you will be working to complete a whole home, you can pursue financing for the whole home that can be applied to our portion of the building. Please check with your local lending institutions for more details.

If you are wanting to take an active role in the construction of your dream home, you will be the Owner-Builder. This role requires you to own the land, and this means you can possibly obtain financing and save money doing it. Owner-Builders act as a their own General Contractor so Barns Across Texas can build the hard part as a sub. This saves you money and allows you to hire other local Subcontractors to finish the inside. An Owner-Builder takes charge of their future, so maybe that’s you.

Call us to ask other questions

In addition to Barns Across Texas, Andy works hard to provide striking shell homes through TexasCountryCharmers, and supplying home designs and plans through EdwinHomes.